Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Attorney Valerie Houghton and Terry Houghton Criminal Prosecution Santa Clara County: Fraud Investigation Report

Controversial family law attorney Valerie Houghton has been under criminal indictment since 2016.


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Mike said...

Valerie is as terrible a human as there is. What separates her from the other ones sitting in prison is her money, connections, and intelligence.

Mike said...

Valerie is a human wrecking ball of mental insanity. I feel bad for whatever pain and abuse she endured to cause this misery, child rape, and loss of health.

I think that she is stuck in that moment.

It will continue for the rest of her life.

Mike said...

The whole thing would have been forgotten. Ms. Houghton says that she "lost a lot of business." Three years is a long time. I didn't even bring the rape of my son because I hadn't confirmed it yet.

But Valerie only has one way of doing things: more rape, more violence, and unreasonable demands.

Mike said...

She made a huge mess. I told her from the start the her position was untenable.

She still expects everyone else to clean it up.

I am sorry, but my kids can't do that for her.

Mike said...

She is missing the point.

Once she let him get molested, she assumed all the associated liability.

Valerie is trying to say, "no, you assume it."

I am sorry. Once she extorted the gold, double crossed me by representing my ex, cut me off from the kids, then let the molestation continue to occur, she assumed all the liability. She forgets that I also told her about the indications of the others.

Mike said...

I just don't understand how she could poison me after what she did.

She even continued after I stopped complaining.

It doesn't make any logical sense.

Mike said...

Valerie is a crane with a mounted wrecking ball.

She takes two types of fuels to keep the engine running.

(1) Your children are being abused.

(2) You fight to protect your children.

It is a never ending cycle.

Mike said...

1. If there is child molestation, it is a given that Valerie will cover it up.

2. There is no way to fight it. Once she commits, she puts her reputation on the line. You will be stifled at every turn. She will kill you if necessary.

Mike said...

We all have expertise in something.

Valerie is a child rape machine. This is her specialty.

Mike said...

You have to ask many questions when you hire an attorney for you or your children. I wish that I asked more questions, instead of just taking her licenses at face value.

1. Do you agree that children should get molested?

2. What percent of my total assets do you expect to earn from your representation?

3. Will I ever see my kids again?

4. How do you feel about people making their own decisions?

5. Is fraud good or bad?

6. Do you believe that physical violence is acceptable during a disagreement?

7. Is privacy important?

8. If you found out a child was being molested, how many years would it take for you to report it?

Mike said...

Maybe you think that Ms. Houghton will use her legal acumen to write brilliant motions to enhance the well being of your children.

Maybe you think that she will use her therapist background to analyze and figure out the best custodial arrangement.

None of that will happen.

If being in the middle of a divorce with a difficult ex isn't enough, inviting Houghton will only add another emotional wreck into it.

Mike said...

Even the abuser will lose out. Houghton will squeeze every penny out of them too.

Mike said...

Houghton is the terrorist that hijacks the plane, demands a ransom, then crashes the plane into an oil refinery.

Mike said...

She has to be crazy. I barley knew her. Just met with her a few times over 2 month period. Now she thinks that she has the right to do whatever she wants to me and my kids.

Mike said...

She sends me articles and ads for wedding rings and porn involving old women.

Mike said...

She acts like a dominatrix, demanding that you let her force your kids into sexual servitude. Valerie has the whips ready to go if you don't comply and doesn't take "no" for an answer.

She wants to fit you with one of those racket-ball masks.

I tell her leave me alone. She was fired a long time ago.

Now my inboxes are filled with ad for wedding rings and porn involving elderly women.

I can't make any sense of her determination. She needs help.

Mike said...

She has a strange mix of behaviors: sadism, laughter, and sexual abuse. It doesn't matter what the context is. The second time doesn't even involve money and it is all exposed.

But her behavior is so ingrained that it is resistant to change.

Mike said...

I even offered to keep things quiet. Wanted to see if that would be enough incentive for to at least make a temporary change. Not much had come out at that point.

But you have to accept that nothing will change her. What you see is what you get.

Mike said...

I loved formal debating in high school. Give me the harder argument to make. The challenge was welcomed.

But a family counselor trying to make the argument that getting children raped is insane.

Mike said...

Valerie will let anyone touch your kids. She doesn't even care if an adult man anally rapes your 13 year old.

Even if the parents don't want it, she will still find a way.

Mike said...

The sodomy of children should matter to a marriage and family therapist.

But Valerie does not have conventional standards.

Mike said...

She couldn't even get creative with the solution. The problem and the answer are one in the same for her.

Mike said...

Sex traffickers who get convicted have to register as sex offenders. The courts have the foresight to know that such behavior is sexually disordered.

If you asked a behaviorist, you would most likely learn that the consequence and behavior are associated. There necessarily must be a sexual element to what she does.

Mike said...

Everyone can see what she does.

But Valerie, being the one trick pony that she is, can't stop herself from forcing my kids to have sex.

Her answer to everything will always be the same. She likely doesn't even know why she does it. Sure, she give attributes, but none of them fit with reality.

It is not uncommon for people to not know why they do what they do.

But it can be dangerous.

Mike said...

Comedians often make jokes about things that are sick and twisted.

The difference with Houghton is that she actually does the sick thing, then makes the joke and laughs.

Mike said...

I think that is in part what fuels her sickness.

Behaviors that are considered repulsive are funny, pleasant, and make her feel good.

Mike said...

The best jokes for her are the events that she initiates to cause harm to you. She will destroy something, then laugh at you like the destruction defines you.

Valerie just doesn't get that it defines her.

Mike said...

This latest second round of abuse involving my youngest daughter, harassment, and poisoning started before I figured out what happened to my son.

I wasn't even complaining about having my kids taken away for no reason. There was no cause.

The scum that she is wouldn't allow her to take the responsibility. She had to punish me for what she did.

Mike said...

Valerie is a machine of destruction. Every action is predicated as such. You don't even have to interaction for her to initiate. It will be a constant barrage, irrespective of what you do.

Mike said...

It doesn't stop until there is nothing left to destroy.

So she can feel good about herself. She was the innocent alpha, not the sadistic crazy who invited herself and wouldn't leave.

Mike said...

Valerie demanded submission from the start. I got arrested right after I retained her. She blamed it on someone else, then told me that I would get arrested many more times.

Mike said...

Shit is the only word that comes to mind.

I told her about my son. She just ignored it and let it continue. As far as she was concerned, it was not reportable. That $80k and whatever else she had her eye on was going to go in her pockets.

Valerie was prepared to take any means necessary to cover it up. There was no going back.

She ratcheted it up with jail, poison, harassment, hacking and stalking. There is no limit.

There is not a filithier person out there. My son was anally raped and that scum can think about is covering it up and letting it continue to occur - to all of them.

Mike said...

Valerie wants complete submission.

She wants all the kids to get raped in the ass, while parents silently kneel before her in agony.

Mike said...

Valerie plays it off as being superior and royalty.

She says it is by birth right that she can order the anal rapes of my kids. Valerie is the queen of pedophelia. As long as she says that it is okay, then it is "legal."

Mike said...

If you want to rape kids, you need to get Valerie as your attorney. She will make the protective parent have supervised visitation, then fill their inbox with ads for engagement rings and porn involving elderly women.

The sexual abuser then needs to pay Ms. Houghton until the children turn 18. There will be no jail time - for the abuser. It is a different story for the protective parent.

This is the sick reality of working with Ms. Houghton.

Mike said...

Can you imagine a little boy getting anally raped, screaming out for help, but he has his mouth taped shut Ms. Houghton?

Then Ms. Houghton has the audacity to say, "Pay your rent!"

Mike said...

Can you imagine an innocent and vulnerable 13 year old getting anally raped and Ms. Houghton laughing, "It isn't rape if they want it!"

Mike said...

While I was in the middle of the dispute with Valerie, I spoke on the phone (while hacked) with a person I knew later to be paid by Houghton.

He mentioned someone being anally raped by a woman wearing a strap-on. He also spoke about about a song named "Valerie" by Amy Winehouse.

I tell you there is no one sicker than Houghton. This is how she sees it.

Mike said...

Valerie has a strange indirect way of behaving, but she really tells you everything if you listen.

Mike said...

Today's new message from Valerie

"It’s your kids future you are destroying, keep voting the way you do and it’ll be your grand kid’s future you erase."

Mike said...

Nothing scares, not even the District Attorney.

Nothing is off the table.

You deal with a monster when you hire her.

Mike said...

SHe says that my daughter will be pregnant by the time she is 15.

If that is what she thinks, then why would she do this to her?

Mike said...

I will never be quiet.

She must think that I am going to bend over for her strap-on.

The problem is that I don't see some alpha to beholden to. I only see a sick woman getting children molested for jollies.

Mike said...

She admits it.

She is in it for generational damage.

It's not just you and your kids. She wants to put her dirty mark on your grandkids too.

Mike said...

A dirty person exerting herself sexually on you and your family.

Mike said...

There is a fundamental difference to how Ms. Houghton abuses children in comparison to a male counterpart. It is the difference between Ghislane Maxwell and a Jerry Sandusky. They are equally perverse and aggressive. What sets Valerie apart is the indirectness. She might also be direct, but I have no way of knowing.

Mike said...

They need to study her. A comparison would be tough to find. I certainly have never met anyone close to this, nor do I ever expect to meet another.

Mike said...

At least Ghislane was targeting people for a specific person. Ms. Houghton just blindly gets the kids raped without even having age limits.

Mike said...

The craziest part is that she thinks by doing this that she is actually hiding something.

This is who she was yesterday, who she is today, and who she will be tomorrow.

Mike said...

Yes, she has adapted her behavior by being covert. But she has been doing this for so long that she cannot pivot.

Mike said...

If I had my way, I wouldn't even have my kids within a mile of her.

Mike said...

She managed to get another arrest warrant filed this week. All because I don't want an evaluation to let my kids get raped.

Do yourself a favor. Take your kids and disappear. This woman is the devil.

Mike said...

If you want to have a feeling akin to having vomit and smeared feces on you, hire Ms. Houghton. She will make you feel like that.

She will make your children feel worse.

Mike said...

She wants to stick her strap on into everything that she sees.

Mike said...

Valerie must know what it feels like.

It's the sign of a monster to pass it on to others.

Mike said...

Clearing her name?

WHat a joke she is.

Getting a piece of paper doesn't erase a single memory.

Mike said...

She commandeered my daughter for rape.

Valerie is a danger to anyone person that comes across her. You never know what sick thought is in her mind. You will never know what hit you until it is too late.

Mike said...

Valerie has a disease.

She will spread it to all the kids.

Mike said...

Valerie is sex trafficking my children under the color of law. It is all fake, just like her.

She can say all she wants that she did it for the money. The fact remains that there was no money the second go around.

She is just making excuses for her sickness.

Mike said...

One thing that you cannot deny about Valerie:

She is in it for the kids.

Mike said...

The "rein of terror" document above is spot on. It just lacks descriptions of the level of aggressiveness of Ms. Houghton.

Her male counterpart is the thug on the street, beating up and raping people.

Women just display aggressiveness in a different manner. The outcomes, however, are exactly the same.

Mike said...

She gets on top of random people and violating them at all costs.

The right thing to have done was protect my son. Instead she has me poisoned and forces all the abuse to continue, while doing the same to my youngest.

She can't argue with any of this.

Mike said...

I can tell you that my son didn't want to be molested when he was 13. Valerie brushes it off, says "It's not rape if they want it."

Mike said...

That's her thing, though.

She is all about violating people and their rights. Maybe it makes her feel more powerful. She owns your rights, dictates when you can have them.

Mike said...

She needs the courts.

No one would even look in that direction. No one wants to expose themselves to that degree of abuse.

Mike said...

"Little boy, go have sex with that man!"

"Parent, don't talk to your kids!"

"Give me all your money!"

"What's that? You don't want to?.... You will regret it!"

Mike said...

You and your kids will only experience a never ending cycle of abuse. If there is un-alignment, the abuse will only worsen. I tried to free all of my kids from the sexual slavery that Ms. Houghton put my kids into. It only led to more abuse.

Mike said...

What kind of person destroys your kidneys?

Is it a kind-hearted therapist?

Is it someone who care about you and your family?

Mike said...

She knows that a worst parents nightmare includes losing their children and having their children raped.

She knows also knows that taking away someone's health is equally as bad.

If you want a total nightmare, go hire her.

Mike said...

She knew what she was doing. It only makes her laugh that my children are being molested.

My inability to protect my children is something that she boasts about.

Mike said...

Forget about right and wrong. With Houghton there is only wrong.

It doesn't matter what the alternatives are. It will always be the morally incorrect one that she chooses. Even if the morally good alternative benefits Ms. Houghton, she will still not use it.

Mike said...

Everything that is good for someone is a detriment for her.

It is all a competition - a game. Everything must be destroyed for her to be successful.

Mike said...

If she her most important goal was to regain business, then her strategy would have been different.

She could have just done the typical lawyer thing by stonewalling.

Valerie could have just left it alone after I dropped the complaints.

There were so many other options that she could have used to de-escalate, such as just talking. I'm a peacemaker at heart, always looking to fix things.

Mike said...

But it was poison, poison, poison

stalk, harass, threaten

stalk, harass, threaten

child rape

child rape

child rape


the only way that it works for Valerie is misery

Mike said...

It's a never ending ratcheting up of punishment,

She is so dense and devoid of empathy that she doesn't realize what it means for a parent when their children are being raped.

Mike said...

It is almost like retardation.

Mike said...

How can she not realize how disgusting selfish she is?

How can she feel so entitled to demand that parent let it happen?

Mike said...

SHe really thinks that the children belong to her.

Mike said...

She really thinks that her dilldoe can go wherever she wants.

Mike said...

I could understand being physically aggressive if your life was in danger.

But she had me poisoned soley for wanting to protect my kids.

There was no shame in what she did. She didn't come say that she was sorry.

She completely ruined my health.

Mike said...

I don't even resemble my pictures any more.

I have a heart condition and my kidneys are shot.

All for what?

Valerie feels so entitled. To such a degree that makes her the monster that she is.

No normal sane person thinks that kids belong to them for sexual slavery.

No rational human being thinks that they can take someone's health for sadistic pleasure, alone.

This is a monster.

Mike said...

I paid her all the money she asked for. She just made up numbers.

The least that she could have done was protect my children

Instead, Houghton completely ruined my life.

Mike said...

I tried to protect my kids before I complained.

She was still listening to the calls and stifling my attempts, even after the divorce was finalized.

I doubt that she has ever protected a child in her life.

Mike said...

If she can be in a position to get a child raped, it is going to happen.

The money doesn't matter.

Mike said...

If she was anything other than an attorney, she would have been deemed a child predator - in my opinion.

Mike said...

I told her, lets work it out.

She said my child, my rules... she'll have fun...

Then she sent more threats and had me poisoned further.

Mike said...

She must feel all powerful to cause so much harm children. Big powerful woman controlling and abusing children at will.

Mike said...

Everybody knows.

The only function of her behavior is sadism. It was that way from the start.

She kept looking for ways to abuse me and my children. It wasn't enough that took the kids and let them get molested. She kept rubbing it in by passing messages via my social network. Then she tampered with my business and tried to get me arrested again.

It is a never ending cycle of abuse with Houghton. She is the sickest of the sick.

Mike said...

Once she smears her slime on you and your family, she never goes away. There are 5 arrests and counting.

I have never been arrested before meeting Ms. Houghton. She is the criminal, but you will pay the price.

Mike said...

You will pay the price for anything that she does. That is the way sociopathy works.

You get abused, then blamed for the abuse. Valerie will kill you if she has to.

Please, take your kids. Disappear. She will find a way to destroy you, even from afar.

Change your phone number. Get rid of social media. Have the utilities in someone else's name. Become self employed.

SHe might still find you.

Mike said...

She says it was just money.

Maybe it makes her feel better.

But there is no more money. The mother of my youngest is broke.

Why keep it going?

Mike said...

Valerie says submit and cool off.

She has no empathy.

A monster getting kids raped that doesn't understand that parents don't want that for their kids.

Mike said...

What is it that she offers anyone?

Mike said...

I can barely feel my fingertips.

For what?

Because she wants me to bend over, submit and let her get my kids raped?

Mike said...

I don't understand what she thinks makes her so special that I should sacrifice my children for her. I only see a dirty monster.

Mike said...

There was never even a chance to save my kids. Jail and misery were all she ever intended for me.

Mike said...

If not a monster, who does these kinds of things to a parent and children?

Mike said...

Who takes another person's health just because they can?

The complaints were dropped. She could have just walked away. She could have left us alone. Valerie didn't need to involve my daughter.

But she wanted complete destruction.

She wanted to have me declared insane, ruin my health, and destroy every single one of my children.

Mike said...

If even the safety of a child does not matter to her, then what does?

Mike said...

Look at the terrible things that she does to endanger children.

What is the good that she offers?

Maybe I am missing something.

Mike said...

There was already molestation going on before the separation. That part is now clear.

But what happened to my son put him in shellshock overnight. He was completely out of it.

I begged Ms. Houghton to do something, but she basically just shrugged it off. The supervisor of visitation told me that I was "neurotic" and wouldn't let me talk to him about it. In hindsight, the supervisor also threatened me.

I was naive. I put my trust into these people, thinking that no one was capable of such horror, especially not people working in their professional capacities.

Mike said...

If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken my kids to the police while I had the chance.

The likelihood would have been miniscule that something would have occured. Valerie was always on step ahead. But it would have at least been worth a try.

Mike said...

You know those Halloween scary shows?

Hiring Ms. Houghton feels like having one year round.

Mike said...

Valerie refers to me as her "toy".

Other people are objects to her for play. She doesn't see me or my kids as human beings.

When you break an object, as opposed to a human being, the breaker does not need to feel remorse or empathy. A toy is just an inanimate, afterall.

Mike said...

Now I am getting hints to leave.

She is hosting a sex party for my kids. Valerie is also the indigent bouncer, threatening and assaulting anyone who interferes.

Mike said...

She thinks that she can normalize sex parties for children.

Who is a father to break it all up?

This is Valerie's party. She is the Grand Marshall, the queen.

Mike said...


It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you

Mike said...

She calls it a plea deal when I told her her that I would be quiet if she left my kids alone.

It's insanity. Instead she says that she will make sure to give me a long sentence and/ or more poison.

Mike said...

It will be a given that Valerie will have no loyalty to you. She will make your life miserable for the sake of doing so.

Then she will continue to destroy you, just to shut you up and submit to her will.

Mike said...

Joseph DeAngelo pales in comparison. Maybe he would make a phone call or two to terrorize his victims. He had some semblance of fear.

He didn't poison his victims for three years, nor did he make sure that his victim's children would be continuously molested.

Mike said...

If you are ever referred to Ms. Houghton, question your choice of attorneys. They likely know what she is capable of.

Mike said...

Behind Valerie's smoke and mirrors is a sick person that only wants the worst for you and your kids. You couldn't pay her to make you happy or protect them. It goes against her makeup.

Mike said...

I will never be quiet.

Mike said...

That is the one thing that she can never get.

Mike said...

It all makes so much sense.

Valerie took the trouble to get $80,000 worth of gold coins placed into trust, while letting my kids get molested. Make no mistake about it. That was a lot of work.

She had to monitor my calls, get a restraining order against me, and get the supervisor for visitation to prevent me from talking to my son. It really was no easy feat to let them all be molested. I can understand why she is so mad at me for trying to protect my kids.

Mike said...

If I made a lot of money doing something and someone messed up all my work, I would be pissed off too.

Mike said...

It's really simple. Ms. Houghton is like a "private" judge in a sick version of court.

You can't undo any of her rulings. She has a "private" police force to set you straight.

Mike said...

She needs to have the outlet of the court to take out her cruelty. Valerie can never retire.

Mike said...

She says that she "lost a lot of business."

That's why she continues to target me.

Mike said...

Who else is she going to abuse?

Whose other children is she going to get raped?

Mike said...

It really has nothing to do with money.

Mike said...

There was no: give it a few months.. the rape stuff hasn't come out yet.. I will put my energy into working on the website and do some networking.


Every person has a unique distribution of behavior. There is some adaptation, but for the most part it is set. Children are different. They are more malleable. But by the time you reach your 60's, what you see is what you get.

Mike said...

And what you get is a dangerous and reckless person.

She could have stopped with the poison and child raped 3 years ago, after I stopped complaining.

But all that sadism had to go somewhere.

Mike said...

Do yourself a favor. Take your kids and disappear.

I am taking the brunt right now. When this is over, it all needs to go somewhere else.

Mike said...

From Valerie's own Yelp. I bet she wrote it.

"If you are willing to give up control of money, control of outcomes, control of other people, and you want to get better, and put in the effort, Valerie can really help. Through it all, I've had to learn how sociopaths will always go after empaths to destroy any semblance of joy the empath may have. If sociopaths can't be nice or cry to get their way, they get angry when challenged, saying and doing nasty things."

Mike said...

The ultimate sociopath is not one that only makes you suffer for their sins, but one that gets everyone around you to join in. Judges, police officers, the DA, your attorneys, your therapist, your children, your doctors, your friends, and your family will all help to some extent. Those few that don't will not fill you in.
This is the latest tweet that I was directed to view:

0-18-21 “Whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”

-Gustave Le Bon, ‘The Psychology of Crowds,’ 1895 ?☕️Research for ourselves (Thank you, AK!)


Mike said...

"If you are willing to give up control of money, control of outcomes, control of other people, and you want to get better, and put in the effort, Valerie can really help. Through it all, I've had to learn how sociopaths will always go after empaths to destroy any semblance of joy the empath may have. If sociopaths can't be nice or cry to get their way, they get angry when challenged, saying and doing nasty things."

This is really true. You have to give up control of protecting your children and all of your money - not to mention control of all outcomes (Valerie demands complete control)

She will "always" destroy any semblance of happiness. Valerie can't seem to stand other people being happy or having good things happen to them. It always has to be misery.

If she can't be "nice" to get her way, Valerie will get "angry" and "do nasty things". This is so true. When I first told her about my son getting molested, she just shrugged it off. Shortly thereafter, there were 'polite' insinuations of severe consequences. I did not heed these 'warnings' and she got "NASTY".

Mike said...

She really is like a private judge, even if you don't hire her as one.

Valerie will make the craziest of orders, such as giving full custody to a rapist or pedo. Orders can also include paying her whatever she asks for without an invoice and to not report the molestation of your children.

If you don't obey said orders, there are severe sanctions. That might include harassment, turning your social circle against you, jail time, interference at work, and even taking your health.

Mike said...

Do you think that John Gotti was a powerful person?

Imagine if every time he commited a crime, he went to court and filed an order to make the crime look legit.

Mike said...

murder, fraud, forcing children into sexual bondage, physical threats, kidnapping... some of the most repugnant behaviors..

Ms. houghton really did an ingenious adaptation when she became an attorney. She is free to do all of those things and more because of it.

Although it is the same exact consequence, society becomes more pacified when these things occur in the context of a courtroom. I, myself, would have had feelings of disbelief if someone told what was possible before I met Houghton. I would have probably shrugged it off and forgotten about it. There is a certain aura about the courts being about goodness and justice.

Mike said...

It really is a "nice" request of the most ridiculous nature.

Please let her sex traffic the kids. Please give her whatever amounts of cash that she dreams up.

Not interested? You've caught her ire. Be prepared to pay the most heaviest of prices.

Mike said...

She throws reasonableness out the window. It can never be something like: don't forget to close the door behind you..... Or, here is a detailed invoice. Please pay it at your earliest convenience.... Or, the children want to spend Christmas and 4th of July with the other parent.

Mike said...

Valerie will upend all rules, laws and social conventions. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. If letting your children be raped meets her needs, Valerie won't give it a second thought. I know my was in agony. Anyone could see it on his face. Do you think that it made a difference to Valerie?

Mike said...

Here is an article from today. Some person got caught trying buy children for sex. Apparently the person was using gold coins and cash to make his "purchases".

Seems to be the currencies of choice for sex trafficking.


Mike said...

It is a never ending escalation at your expense. She will kill you if she has to.

Best thing to do is to disappear. You don't have a chance.

Mike said...

Valerie uses every form of abuse in the book - from social isolation, economic, physical, emotional,stalking, and sexual (by way of your children).

I only met her on several occasions. She is a beast to have target me in such a manner.

Mike said...

I know that I keep repeating myself.

This person is crazy. Get yourself as far away from her while you still can. There will soon be no way out of it.

Mike said...

The one category that is missing is legal abuse and jail. Valerie will fabricate events to get you arrested.

It just doesn't get any worse. She knows that she can get away with anything. You are up against goliath. There is no chance to protect yourself or your children. Valerie will chew you up, spit you into a toilet, then flush.

Mike said...

Instead of "The People's Court", Houghton acts like she is the Chief Justice in the "The Pedo's Court".

It is a laughing matter to give a person who sexually abuses children sole custody. Houghton doesn't even think that it is bizarre to cut out the parent trying to protect the children, or stiffing attempts to report the abuse.

Mike said...

It must have been that no one felt bad for Valerie when she was abused as a child.

Now she elicits anger and helplessness. Then Valerie wants the rest of the world to feel sorry for her as the parent expresses frustration about the children being abused.

Mike said...

Poor Valerie.. We all feel so bad for her. She let my children be raped.

Mike said...

Poor Valerie. She "lost a lot of business" because I was trying to protect my children.

The rape, fraud, and assaults didn't have anything to do with it.

Mike said...

Valerie had the right to make my kids have sex with adults.

But she didn't deserve the fallout that resulted from said rapes.

Mike said...

It's more important to feel bad for poor Valerie than it is for five children being raped.

Mike said...

We all need to coddle poor Valerie. She let the children get raped. Lets all get teary eyed and tell Valerie how sorry we are that she did that to my kids.

Mike said...

Valerie needs everyone needs to help. Your friends, family, coworkers, and everyone else need to feel bad for poor Valerie. She let the kids get molested. It wasn't good for business.

Never mind the kids. Everyone help console poor Valerie by helping her raise the barn.

Mike said...

Valerie is still having me poisoned.

She is the one who needs an evaluation.

Mike said...

She doesn't know her place.

My kids are none of that sicko's business.

But Valerie sticks her nose into everything.

Mike said...

valerie just doesn't get it.

She is nothing to my kids. She is the boogy man hiding in the street who thinks that she has some sort of a relationship to my kids because I met her in her office a couple of times.

Mike said...

She really does need to get her head checked to demand that I let her determine that my kids need to raped.

Mike said...

She keeps say that she never loses.

I met Valerie in her a office a few times. That's it. She is CRAZY.

Mike said...

SHe is not even an attorney of record.

Just a random sick person trying to force rape onto my kids.

Mike said...

I would have never guessed that meeting Houghton a few times in her office would make her entitled to take my health and sex traffic my kids.

Mike said...

I first met with Ms. Houghton is April of 2014. This was around the time that she was being investigated by the DA's Office, per the complaint that is posted above.

She was extorting me, having me arrested, and letting my son get molested. It was a few months later in September of 2014 that she cut me out completely from their lives.

You would think that someone who is being investigated for felony crimes would have some fear and shame that would inhibit further criminality.

But this is how she operates.

Mike said...

The criminal complaint against Valerie seems to indicate that she is very well off.

Paying her wasn't enough for her to take action to protect them was enough.

Letting them get raped was about more than money.

Mike said...

This is how crazy people behave. Sanity refers to doing things to obtain adaptive outcomes. Valerie is supposed to be a therapist. I was paying her. There was nothing adaptive in letting my son get molested.

She could have made so much more money if she would have protected him. Instead, she took MASSIVE risks by letting the abuse continue.

Mike said...

A sane person would never be so brazen when it comes to child molestation. One could argue that it would be different if I wasn't paying her - but this wasn't the case.

Valerie just completely cut me out of my children's lives, then stifled every attempt to protect them. One could argue that it wouldn't be crazy if she was a street hustler - but this wasn't the case. She is a THERAPIST.

Mike said...

Then she bills hearself as a conflict resolution specialist. The first thing that she did was reach for the poison.

Mike said...

A sane person would have backed off after I complained. She could have made a number of false excuses. Most people would want to distance themselves from such a situation.

Not Valerie.

Valerie wanted to keep the abuse going. She even wanted to include my youngest daughter, who had nothing to do with any of this.

Mike said...

There are a lot of people who do evil things. Said evil has a purpose. Maybe they get some money, but that is end of it. The person moves on.

It is much different when a mentally ill person commits an evil act. Those people don't have the rationality to stop.

Mike said...

I've told the entire State Legislature what Houghton did. The FBI even knows.

The only thing that didn't happen was a broadcast on the nightly news.

Mike said...

And she still sits there with her poison and child rape.

Says that it will make all the "lost business" come back.

I don't think that an evaluation is even necessary.

Mike said...

Sane people are known for rationality.

You don't hide a mess by making a bigger one.

Mike said...

The kids were only 2, 9, 11, and 13. They were all showing signs of being sexually abused.

She doesn't think that it is sick. It only makes her laugh.

Mike said...

You couldn't find a horrible person like this in a movie or comic book. Valerie is reinventing the wheel.

Mike said...

Before I figured it out, I was getting phone calls and messages about home security systems. I kept blocking the numbers, but they kept coming multiple times a day for months on end.

Mike said...

The calls started after I called the police to see if they were willing to investigate some of the strong indications of molestation. My oldest son had yet to confirm what he went through.

Mike said...

Not even paying her would give incentive to protect them. Once she knew about the molestation it was game over.

She is sick. There is no other way to put it.

Mike said...

Valerie has no business making a single decision for child.

Mike said...

Valerie wants to say that I am crazy. She wants my kids to remain sexually abused for the remainder of their childhood.

What a yucky person she is.

Mike said...

You are better off inviting Sandusky or Cosby into your home than hiring Houghton. The police can be called.

Mike said...

I think that she was bullied.

Now she gets off on hearing:

"Please let me see my children"

"Please don't let them get raped"

"Please don't poison me"

Mike said...

I have put more information here, in case anyone is interested.


Mike said...


Mike said...

I have uploaded another guide here:


I hope that someone can find it useful to protect their children.

Mike said...

There is more information here:


All I want is for my kids to be protected. Children depend on us to protect them. My kids cannot do it themselves. As a therapist, Ms. Houghton is a mandated reporter of child abuse. I hope that she can be the voice of change in the Family Courts. We have already seen such change in the Catholic Church. Why can't we also do this for Family Law?

Mike said...

No one gets "represented" if Valerie is involved. It will only be an orchestration involving all the attorneys. Valerie will be the ringleader. She will come up with some scenario that not only makes her money, but is also "fun".

It will all be settled before the hearing. The judge only puts a rubber stamp.

Valerie will make sure that you agree to whatever she wants, come hell or high water. There is no legal research or best interests of the child. There is only coercion, fraud and abuse.

Valerie always wins. If you fight back, Valerie will only bring it up a few notches. There are no limits. She doesn't care. It is not her health, children, home, income, or anything else. She will just start damaging your life until you concede. Valerie has nothing to lose, only fun to be had.

Mike said...

She gets into every facet of your life. You need your electronic devices for everything nowadays. Coupled with people on the ground, her ingenuity, and her preference for corruption and fraud - she will have total control. You will be caught in her spiderweb until she decides that you have no more value.

Mike said...

Valerie had already let my son get molested. She didn't hesitate to then cut me out, force me into poverty, and renew the restraining. Can you imagine how cruel a person has to be to then poison me and sex traffic an additional child?

She doesn't have any morals or a conscience. Valerie is just cruel for the sake of it.

Mike said...

SHe's been laughing the whole time.. from the damaged organs, to the atrophied testicles, and the change in my face.

Valerie gets off on it. Money is just the icing.

Mike said...

In this video it is purported by the victim in the indictment that Valerie stole roughly 12 million dollars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEg1fTduQp0

Valerie is flush with cash.

The $80K that was placed into trust would have likely been split up between all involved.

Whatever it came out to be would have been a drop in the bucket for Valerie. I think that it had more to do with letting my son get molested.

When she did it a second time, there was no money involved.

Mike said...

The fact is that all the pleas of saving my children were met with laughter.

The main function of her behavior is cruelty.

Mike said...

Valerie expects loyalty, citing her power and stature.

She wants my help to clean her hands... by letting my kids get molested.

Valerie is sick, but doesn't know it.

Mike said...

Don't ever speak to Houghton. Any provided information is only used to abuse you and/ or extort someone.

Mike said...

Her preferences will always be to abuse. There are always multiple options to take in any given situation. Ms. Houghton will always pick the one that results in the most misery. There is not such thing as happiness with her.

There is also no such thing as negotiation or acting in someone else's interest. Valerie comes first and whatever it is that she decides is what happens. You become a slave in to her, as far as she in concerned.

She likened it to sending me to "work in the salt mines"

If you don't comply, she will inflict punishment on you. Valerie will have you hacked. You won't realize it because it is not something that normally occurs.

She will find all your vulnerabilities, monitor your communications, track your locations, and find out who is in your social circle. Then she will devise a plan of attack to make you miserable enough to submit to her every demand.

Then you will have a brief respite.. rinse and repeat. each time she demands something, the misery will be exponentially greater.. it will be unrelenting.

Mike said...

The best thing that you can do is not be involved with her in the first place. The only problem is that she will persist with the other party. Valerie is determined to be in the mix one way or another.

Mike said...

Just watch out.. because she has boots on the ground. You won't even know, but there is someone following.

Mike said...

Valerie does something like get your kids molested. Someone will have to pay for it. It won't be her. This is form of repenting. Someone else needs to pay for her sins. So if she has you poisoned, you will need to continually pay for that with more frequent and more potent poisonings. It is a cycle of abuse that intensifies over time.

Mike said...

No one will help you. Not the police, the judge, your friends, your family, a new attorney... no one. not even the DA...

Mike said...

You know what evil is when the person laughs at the misery that they caused.

Mike said...

It will never be a good legal argument or a common sense approach. Valerie will come up with a sadistic plan and force it down your throat.

There will be nothing that you can do. Your kids will be raped, your health will be taken, and all your efforts will be for nothing.

Mike said...

Valerie is trying to force mental health treatment and antipsychotic medication by way of a psychological report that was filed without my consent or participation. Like I mentioned before, Valerie makes everyone else pay for what she does.

It is quite evident that she is the one who is mentally ill. But she tries to make me get the treatment that she, herself, needs.

Mike said...

Only a mentally incompetent person would do all of this for the gratification of a laugh. There is no other benefit. She won't make more money because of it. Sick people don't behave with function. Even though her planning is quite sophisticated, it only works when nobody knows.

Her behavior is so rigid that she continues to do the same things when EVERYONE knows. There is no shifting. What you see is what you get.

That means the next target up will also have similar experiences.

Mike said...

You will find that Valerie will never ask you what you want. She only tells you what to do and forces you to do it.

Whatever it is that she wants is also rigid and not subject to change. That's why she put my youngest daughter with a rapist.

There is a definite pattern to her behavior. It involves separation, child abuse, physical violence, financial violence, fraud, extortion, invasion of privacy, and emotional abuse. These are more the intended outcomes than is the money. The money is only icing.

Mike said...

There is no way to win. By the time that you realize what is going on, she will already have a foothold into your life.

Valerie will have also derived quite a bit of pleasure from harming you. She won't give that up so easy. That will make her relentless.

Mike said...

The victim in the above indictment alleges about $10 million was stolen. He said it in a video that is readily available online.

You have to consider that she has also made a ton of money in the 30 plus years that she has been a divorce attorney.

Money is just icing. She gets off on making you "work in the salt mines" more than the actual money that you bring in. There has been a lot of master/ servant type insuantions, both indirect and direct.

Her motive is to subjugate and tortue you.

Forget about empower and make happy. That doesn't make her laugh.

She needs to feed her broken self by dominating and annihilating you. Maybe it makes her feel powerful and strong to weaken everyone around her.

Mike said...

You can rest assured that you won't be dealing with sane. There is no one to reason with.

The only thing that you get is a rigid, one trick pony.

You can't change her or her motivation. It will be the same thing all over again for the next person.

She is so rigid, that even when she is problem solving, she will still do the same exact things. There is hardly any variability to her behavior.

Mike said...

Everyone ultimately needs to feel her pain.

Mental illness is contagious in that respect.

Mike said...

She says that what was just written is funny.

The truth always hurts.

Mike said...

I can imagine her being lonely. Who wants to be around that kind of behavior? I can tell her behavior is the most unpleasant that I have ever been around.

This must be her best outlet to socialize. She gets to be herself and force people to experience interacting with her.

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